Tag: U.S Pharmaceutical Industry

Canada Might Target U.S Pharmaceutical Industry to Retaliate against Tariffs
World News

Canada Might Target U.S Pharmaceutical Industry to Retaliate against Tariffs

Professor Amir Attaran who is biomedical scientist and a law professor at Ottawa University. Three months down the line arguably signed Canada magazine MacLean’s. His argument points as it was listed that are some Canada nationals who are holding official government positions wants to evacuate the patents of united states drug manufactures, as retaliation of taxes imposed Donald Trump. In consideration to resurfacing of that discussion, Attaran stance has remained unchanged as he had stated previously and that he won’t disclose any of government officials he claims that are considered to target America's pharmaceutical industry that has raised several questions. President trump imposition of trade tariffs against Canada has raised some suspicion from some industries taking hits, most...