Tag: quantum computers

By what method can quantum computers immortalize future people

By what method can quantum computers immortalize future people

Admirably well estimate, life began on planet Earth about 3.5 billion years prior. Tragically did as well, demise. What's more, the collector stays undefeated. Around 99 percent of all species that at any point lived are presently wiped out. There's practically no logical motivation to accept people won't go along with them in a moderately inconsequential measure of time. They state nearly on the grounds that, on the off chance that we make a decent attempt, we can consider a hypothetical, science-based mediation for death. How about we consider it a "quantum respawn." We're not the original to envision eternality. Yet, we are the first to approach this truly cool exploration paper from physicists working at the University of Rochester in New York, and Purdue University in Indiana. Name...