Tag: NASAs

TESS Ultrahot offers new insights into the world

TESS Ultrahot offers new insights into the world

Measurements from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) have empowered space experts to incredibly improve their comprehension of the peculiar condition of KELT-9 b, perhaps the most hottest planet known. "The weirdness factor is high with KELT-9 b," said John Ahlers, a cosmologist at Universities Space Research Association in Columbia, Maryland, and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "It's a giant planet in a very close, nearly polar orbit around a rapidly rotating star, and these features complicate our ability to understand the star and its effects on the planet." The new discoveries show up in a paper drove by Ahlers distributed on June 5 in The Astronomical Journal. Situated around 670 light-years away in the group of stars Cygnus, KELT-9 b was...