Tag: Economic Crisis

Economic Crisis in Turkey has Forced the Finance Minister to Accept ICO
World News

Economic Crisis in Turkey has Forced the Finance Minister to Accept ICO

It seems the economic crisis in Turkey has forced the finance minister to accept the use of ICO (Initial Coin Offering). This is after the Turkish media announced that Berat Albayrak the finance minister has accepted to look into the use of ICO so as to salvage the economic crisis the country at the moment. According to Anadolu Agency, one of the oldest media outlets in Turkey said that the finance minister Berat has come up with ‘New Economic Program’ that will save the sinking economy. In the program proposals, it states that the economy of Turkey will grow by 3.8% before the year-end. A new office has been created known as the public finance transformation and change office. Mr. Berat also said, “We will use essential plans and procedures to overcome the economic constraints affectin...