
Science news, Environment and technology news

The Automaker’s 2019 Profits Were Essentially Wiped Out
Business, Politics, Science

The Automaker’s 2019 Profits Were Essentially Wiped Out

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Las Vegas tunnel will ideally be ‘completely operational’ in 2020, says Elon Musk

Las Vegas tunnel will ideally be ‘completely operational’ in 2020, says Elon Musk

Elon Musk said that Las Vegas is "hopefully" getting a completely operational underground commercial tunnel in 2020. His plan to bore tunnels underground to ease traffic in highly congested cities like Los Angeles and Las Vegas at first started as a joke in 2016 yet has now become a full-fledged business apropos named the Boring Company with a few nascent projects in significant urban areas, including Chicago and Baltimore. He tweeted Friday night that the Boring Company is finishing its first commercial tunnel in Vegas from the Las Vegas Convention Center to the Strip before it deals with different projects and it trusts it to be operational one year from now. Musk and the Boring Company have been attempting to revolutionize how individuals travel with rapid Loop and Hyperloop transpor...
For Boeing’s ‘First Starliner Test Launch’ Friday, Builds Excitement

For Boeing’s ‘First Starliner Test Launch’ Friday, Builds Excitement

The introduction experimental flight of a Boeing Starliner space traveler taxi for NASA is prepared to fly, with incredible climate expected for its launch to the International Space Station Friday (Dec. 20). A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket will launch the uncrewed CST-100 Starliner spacecraft from Space Launch Compex 41 here at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station just before dawn on Friday. Liftoff is set for 6:36 a.m. EST (1136 GMT). "It's just incredibly proud and humbling to be here this week. It's really a culmination of years of really hard work by integrated NASA, Boeing and ULA teams," John Mulholland, VP and program director of Boeing's Commercial Crew program, said in a prelaunch news meeting at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida today (Dec. 17). "This is really settin...
NASA: Will launch a ‘robot hotel’ to the Space Station on its next SpaceX resupply mission

NASA: Will launch a ‘robot hotel’ to the Space Station on its next SpaceX resupply mission

NASA will be sending something it calls a "robot hotel" to the International Space Station on board the following business resupply strategic, is set to launch on board a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket this week. The robot inn is all the more officially known as the "Robotic Tool Stowage" unit, or the RiTS for short, since NASA adores nothing to such an extent as it cherishes abbreviations. Depending upon the fact that they are so anxious to humanize robots, the "hotel" assignment probably won't be very as suitable as "garage" — this unit is basically an ensured parking spot for robots when not being used, shielding them from potential threats exhibited by being in space, including presentation to radiation, and the possibility to get hit by micrometeors and different garbage. The principal visi...
Planets may shape and Orbit around Supermassive Black Holes

Planets may shape and Orbit around Supermassive Black Holes

Supermassive black holes, millions to billions of times the mass of our Sun, are found at the centers of galaxies. A significant number of these tremendous articles are hidden within a doughnut-shaped cloud of dust and gas known as a torus. "A torus can contain as much as a hundred thousand times the mass of the Sun worth of dust. This is a billion times the dust mass of a protoplanetary disk," said Professor Eiichiro Kokubo from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and partners. "In a low temperature region of a protoplanetary disk, dust grains with ice mantles stick together and evolve into fluffy aggregates.” "A dust disk around a black hole is so dense that the intense radiation from the central region is blocked and low-temperature regions are formed.” The astrophysicis...
NASA to look for thoughts for an Artemis lunar rover

NASA to look for thoughts for an Artemis lunar rover

NASA intends to give a call for thoughts for a lunar rover that could be utilized by future maintained missions to the moon and, in the same way as other different components of the Artemis program, be created in an partnership with industry. Talking at the SpaceCom Expo here Nov. 20, Tom Cremins, NASA partner administrator for system and plans, said the office will before long release a solicitation for data for an unpressurized lunar wanderer for use by space explorers on Artemis lunar landing missions. "We want that [rover] there when the first crews arrive and then be there subsequently to be able to be used potentially autonomously from the Gateway, to conduct operations and to add to the science objectives," he said. That RFI, which he said would be released "in the coming weeks,"...
NASA will chase for fossils on Mars

NASA will chase for fossils on Mars

The Mars 2020 rover will research a intriguing type of mineral store known for delivering fossils on Earth. At the point when they consider fossils, most likely envision T. rex skulls and sauropod femurs. NASA's Mars 2020 rover will search for fossils on Mars, however not unreasonably kind of fossil. NASA featured another investigation in the diary Icarus this week that focuses out some captivating developments around the internal edge of Jezero Crater, the rover's arranged landing site. The agency compares these concentrated carbonate mineral stores to a bath ring around what had once been a lake 3.5 billion years back. "On Earth, carbonates help form structures that are hardy enough to survive in fossil form for billions of years, including seashells, coral and some stromatolites -- r...
Boeing submits Artemis lunar lander proposition to NASA

Boeing submits Artemis lunar lander proposition to NASA

Two weeks after a group drove by Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin divulged plans for a lunar lander, Boeing presented its very own proposition to NASA on Tuesday, offering a shuttle that would dispatch on the company's incredible Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and convey astronauts to and from the moon's surface with less flights. NASA's quick advancing Artemis program calls for sending astronauts to the moon in Orion containers propelled by SLS promoters as ahead of schedule as 2024. In the wake of docking with a little, remotely amassed space station known as Gateway, two space travelers would move to a monetarily assembled lander and drop to a touchdown close to the moon's south shaft. The space explorers at that point would take off, come back to Gateway and head home in their Lockheed Mart...
NASA shares spooky space photographs without a time to spare for Halloween

NASA shares spooky space photographs without a time to spare for Halloween

Pictures shared by NASA this week exhibit the spooky wonders of space only in front of the most absurd day of the year: Halloween. The office presented two pictures on Twitter: one of a divine wonder giving off an impression of being a galactic ghoul, and one of the sun looking like a consuming jack-o'- light. The "ghostly apparition," as NASA depicted it Tuesday on Twitter, was really a picture of two galaxies colliding, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in June. Each 'eye' is the bright core of a galaxy, one of which slammed into another," NASA clarified on its site. "The outline of the face is a ring of young blue stars. Other clumps of new stars form a nose and mouth." The head-on crash will give the galaxies a ring structure for around 100 million years, which is an uncommon inf...
Researchers find huge storms can make ‘stormquakes’

Researchers find huge storms can make ‘stormquakes’

Researchers have found a mash-up of two feared disasters — hurricanes and earthquakes — and they're calling them "stormquakes." The shaking of the ocean bottom during typhoons and nor'easters can thunder like an extent 3.5 earthquake and can keep going for quite a long time, as indicated by an investigation in the current week's journal Geophysical Research Letters. The shudders are genuinely normal, yet they weren't seen before in light of the fact that they were viewed as seismic foundation clamor. A stormquake is more a peculiarity than something that can hurt them, on the grounds that nobody is remaining on the ocean floor during a hurricane, said Wenyuan Fan, a Florida State University seismologist who was the examination's lead author. The mix of two frightening natural phen...