
Press Release

Super New Energy (EWS) Builds a Blockchain Technology-based Infrastructure for Whole Industry Chain of New Energy Vehicles

In recent years, with the change of global energy demand and consumption structure, energy industry has seen reforms, remarkable but still with problems. Under this background, blockchain technology, naturally featured by decentralization, distributed storage, highly transparent information and non-tamperable data, has gradually become a new reform direction. The automobile industry, as an important field in energy consumption, is also changing to new energy. As an end product, it is an inevitable trend for automobiles to move from mechanization and electrification to intelligence. The essence of new energy trend is to realize electrified vehicles, namely electric vehicles, and new energy vehicle industry helps to alleviate energy security problems. Meanwhile its development is...
Press Release

BRKT passes will be issued on the Seychelles Stock Exchange LOEX on April 28

It is reported that Warren Buffett’s core strategist team has decided to launch the BRKT certificate experiment to replicate Berkshire Hathaway’s 47573 times earnings in the era of equity economy in the field of digital asset investment. BRKT fund’s tweet said: Warren Buffett’s core strategist team decided to launch the BRKT token experiment, and Berkshire token foundation was responsible for the overall implementation of the token experiment plan. BRKT Berkshire Hathaway pass plans to conduct no more than 10 periods of digital asset token donation experiments. Each period of donated digital asset will have a new token corresponding to the donation experiment. The usdt donors in each period of digital asset token donation will receive BRKT’s airdrop to the donation address after the la...
Press Release

The 4th Digital China Summit Was Held in Fuzhou, Looking Forward to the Future of Digital China

The 4th Digital China Summit, jointly hosted by the National Internet Information Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the People’s Government of Fujian Province, opened on the 25th in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. With the theme of “stimulating new kinetic energy of data elements and embarking on a new journey to digital China”, this summit is positioned as a platform for our country’s informatization development policy release, for displaying the latest achievements in the construction of digital China, and for e-government and digital economy theory, experience and practice exchanges. Meanwhile, it is a cooperation plat...
Press Release

Global Computing Power Conference – SAI’s CEO Arthur: Carbon Neutrality Determines the Future Trend is to Use Clean Energy to Provide Clean Computing Power

On April 17, the “Supercomputing · Fusion, 2021 Global Blockchain Computing Power Conference” officially opened in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. This conference is co-sponsored by Babbitt, ChainNode, and Poolin. WuSaidBlockchain is co-organized and 360Power is the general title sponsor. In 2021, “carbon neutrality” will become a national plan, and China is facing the urgent need to transform from traditional energy to clean energy. On the other hand, enterprises and countries are carrying out digital transformation, and the demand for computing power in modern society is increasing. Increasing computing power means consuming more energy. Under such a background, how can computing power be “cleaned and energized”? Can clean computing power and energy-efficient computing power be obt...
Press Release

G+AWARDS,Five international organizations are the first to launch this Global Designer Exchange Program

Today, global architectural design is developing rapidly, and hence the problems faced by architects are also becoming more diverse and complex, which are no longer limited to the basic problems of traditional design science. Therefore, we can only have a good grasp of the changes in architectural design when we stand on a higher ground. Glocalization In 1992, British sociologist Roland Robertson put forward “Glocalization”, which was coined from “Globalization” and “Localization”. It means the co-presence of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies. In the era of globalization, the design context changes greatly. The relationship between countries, cultures as well as individuals no longer constitutes a hierarchical relationship, but rather a diverse, equal, heterogene...
Press Release

The New America Created by Miles Yu: Burning Anti-Asian Hate

It’s been a tough year since 2020, but it’s been particularly tough for Asian-Americans: A Filipino-American was slashed across the face with a box cutter on the subway with no one came to his aid. The wound required a hundred stitches. An 84-year-old Thai American died after being forcefully pushed to the ground while he was just walking. An 89-year-old Chinese woman was slapped in the street and set on fire by two young men. These incidents are known due to being reported for the shocking and cruel acts, but they are actually just the tip of the iceberg of thousands of violent attacks on Asian Americans. Initiator of the “China virus” rhetoric Over the course of roughly a year during the pandemic, people reported nearly 3,800 incidents of anti-Asian hate on the reporting forum Sto...
Press Release

PayYoda’s ecological development in the age of DeFi

Blockchain has become an independent world. Here, innovation seems limitless. DeFi has become the center of this world. It has many applications, and it pursues the reform of the existing financial structure. But it’s a long way to reach this. For example, DeFi focus on the application of Blockchain or cryptocurrency instead of traditional financial services to meet the development needs of society. The advantage fields are numerous, like Decentralized exchanges, insurance companies, currency markets, and liquidity mining. to improve the using experience, PayYoda will not stop its exploration of decentralization. PayYoda DAO community governance fund PayYoda received an initial strategic investment of US$15 million from DTOGT Capital to jointly build the PayYoda DAO Commun...
Press Release

Walking through Asia’s water tower – the challenge of climate change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Article·Hengduan Mountain Research Society As a global meteorological outpost, the mechanism and influence of climate change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are complicated. In October 1998,he led the “Yarlung Zangbo River scientific rafting expedition”, drifted 1,600 kilometers from the Jiemayangzong Glacier in Zhongba County, Tibet, the source of the Yarlung Zangbo River, to Pai Township (today’s Pai Town) in Mainling County. After that, he crossed the Grand Canyon on foot and spent 35 days crossing the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon. In 2010, he launched another bold project, “Asian Water Tower — International River Survey on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau” and spent six months visiting a majority of international rivers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Although he had explored most of the rivers...
Press Release

Ukey the Digital Asset Intelligent Trading Platform and the Golden Key to Open the Door of Future Wealth

A few days ago, a digital asset intelligent trading platform called Ukey was launched and quickly attracted investors’ attention and favor. In just a few months, the platform’s current daily trading flow has reached nearly trillion, in the industry can also be regarded as a new force, its driving market strength is surprising. In today’s era, the block chain economy represented by digital currency is the trend of the future, and the new financial economy represented by block chain economy has become a hot choice for the investment elite. The resulting digital asset options trading is one of the “incense sticks “, including Wall Street famous investment bank Goldman Sachs, the world’s well-known institutions are also optimistic and actively layout the digital asset options trading m...
Press Release

Stablecoin TAI from TomoFinance to be launched on April 26

Mahe, Seychelles-TomoFinance, a platform for issuing Tomochain’s decentralized Stablecoin, TAI, is scheduled to be released on April 26. TAI is a TRC-21 token that functions as a Stablecoin and worth equal to $1. Users can generate TAI by depositing their collateral assets (TOMO) with TomoFinance. TomoChain, used by TomoFinance, is a blockchain that uses Proof-of-Stake Voting consensus. It features 2000 TPS, a 2-second block time, and almost zero fees while being EVM-compliant to solve the issues of Ethereum. Using TomoChain’s native token (TOMO) as collateral to issue TAI has the advantage of providing stable operations without having to sell the TOMO. How do users deposit TOMO and issue a TAI? To issue TAI, users need to create a CDP (Collateralized Debt Position) and dep...